fuel cell

Zinc Air Fuel Cell Licensed To Power Electric Vehicles

Zinc Air Inc. (ZAI) announced that it had obtained exclusive rights from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the zinc air fuel cell (U.S. Patent...

Paris Habitat Project Plans To Heat Buildings By Human Warmth

A futuristic Paris Habitat project plans to use the combined warmth generated by humans waiting in the Rambuteau Metró subway station to heat a...

A New Microprocessor of IBM zEnterprise System Break the World’s Speed Record

A world record of IBM’s new zEnterprise System microprocessor was reached by breaking the speed of 5.2 GHz. Created to effectively support the...
green chemistry

Phosphorus Steps Toward Greener Chemistry

Viewed from another perspective the breaking up of phosphorus with ultraviolet light may offer a safer, simpler way to build many industrial and household...
photovoltaic technology

New self-assembling photovoltaic technology that repairs itself

Molecules can turn sunlight into electricity and can be broken down and quickly reassembled. Plants are good at doing what scientists and engineers have been...
lightning strike electrical charges for electricity

New idea to harnessing lightning strikes electrical charges for electricity

Wednesday a group of chemists from the University of Campinas in Brazil presented theirs research at 240th National Meeting of the American chemical Society...
New discover technology

A New Logic Prototype Chip Based on Bayesian Probability

A probability-based processor may speed up flash memory, and eventually much more. A computer chip that performs calculations using probabilities, instead of binary logic, could...
Ford Explorer - fuel economy - recyclability

2011 Ford Explorer Goes Green

Ford Explorer goes green The 2011 Ford Explorer is 85 percent recyclable. The reinvented SUV leverages Ford's industry-leading use of bio foam and recycled fabric...

Silk Technology Offers Solutions for Medicine and Electronics

An ancient fiber could soon be spun into cutting edge technology. Recent discoveries and new processing techniques have shown that silk can offer innovative...
scientific discovers

Invisibility Cloak Made of Glass

Could you imagine that a scientist at Michigan Technological University would be serious about building a working invisibility cloak?  I suppose no, but that’s...