Contactless Charging System Developed by Siemens for Electric Vehicles


Siemens-Cordless-Chgarging-Electric-VehicleSiemens presented one of its best projects called – Contactless Charging of Battery for Electric Vehicles this year at Hannover Messe.

This project was developed together with BMW and the German Environment Ministry will test the contactless charging system under real world conditions in Berlin beginning this June.

Contactless charging stations of Siemens Company are connected to the grid by underground wires. The secondary coil is attached to each of many electric vehicles and the wireless charging process, claimed to be more than 90 percent efficient, is working by induction through a magnetic field in an air gap of up to six inches.

The 3,6 kW prototype contactless charger will be tested starting in May. From June the test trials in Berlin aim to put in scene all modifications which are needed before integrating the inductive contactless charging system into mass production of electric vehicles.

We are waiting for more news about this revolutionary charging system.



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