DARPA to Develop New Mathematical Language


New Mathematical Language The hyper-ambitious folks at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency –DARPA are totally over the current state of military data collection, and they’re pretty sure they know how to fix it: teach sensors how to think.

Well, they’ve got an idea how to fix it, but they’ve put out a call for mathematician to do the dirty work.

The Mathematics of Sensing, Exploitation, and Execution (MSEE) program seeks a unified mathematical language that can teach sensors not only to collect data, but to interpret, and act on it too. The aim is to eliminate the “data deluge” that comes from ever-increasing streams of information, like cellphone intercepts and video drone feeds, allowing analysts to focus on the important stuff.

Currently the onus falls on humans to interpret the overwhelming amount of information collected by military sensors, but DARPA is confident that the right algorithm could have machines interpreting the world as early as 2014.



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