Giraffe Street a swing and solar power generating lighting system


Giraffe-Street-solar-power-generating-lighting-systemChen Wei and Lu Yanxin are well known designers to club together fun and eco friendliness concepts.

They come up with a brilliant design, which is a solar power generating lighting system and is called ‘Giraffe Street Lamp’. The solar power lighting system comprises of a swing design that is fully functional.

Giraffe Street Lamp is cute to look at, and when someone uses the swing, the awesome design harnesses kinetic energy that is used to brighten up the surroundings. The stunning lighting unit comprises of an LED light panel, which illuminates the area in a clean and green way. The design is definitely clever and innovative.

Solar power generating lighting system comes fitted with a solar panel hood that gives green energy every time when sun appears. The design doesn’t come fitted with any additional source of energy, which smothers it with self sustainability and can easily provide a good 11 hours of uninterrupted illumination.

The Giraffe Street Lamp is easy to install and will prove to be a perfect courtyard light. The design ranks high on the safety graph as it doesn’t make use of any additional electricity source, which makes it absolutely safe in case kids use the swing.



  1. Very nice in did…
    I woul’d like to contact with the desiners, can you please transfer to me their contact information..?


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