Lunar Cubit Solar Powered Pyramids Project Could Supply with Renewable Energy More Than 250 Dwellings


Lunar-Cubit-solar-powered-pyramidsLunar Cubit is the winner of The Land Art Generator Initiative. The project, designed by a group of artists, is truly a distinctive and an alluring design concept.

The scheme incorporates the building of nine gigantic solar power-generating pyramids, in the deserts of Abu Dhabi. They jut out like obsidian wonders, pristine in their impeccable form. From the functional point of view, Lunar Cubit assimilates a small number of power plants with frame-less solar panels that can produce enough power for 250 dwellings.

Before we go on wondering about the name -“Lunar Cubit,” the sobriquet itself has enormous significance. The concept from its inception has been billed as – “antiquity gilded with technology.” So the name alludes back to the mighty predecessor civilizations like the glorious Egyptian and the intricate Islamic, where some of their structures even served as calendars!

Lunar-Cubit-solar-powered-pyramidsThe Lunar Cubit is also designed to be a timekeeper, a monthly calendar, allowing viewers to measure time through eight lunar phases. The project features eight small pyramids, each denoting a different phase of the moon, confined around one “great” pyramid. They are all equipped with LED lights. So every night, the central pyramid’s LEDs illuminate inversely to the brightness of the moon. The surrounding pyramids light up, too, but only during certain moon phases.

Still, we don’t have get into those astronomical paraphernalia, just to genuinely appreciate the ethereal beauty of this unique concept. The only question remaining is – how can the huge budget be justified just to cover around 250 homes?



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