Mitsubishi’s i-MiEV Electric Cars will hit the Estonian’s roads till the end of 2011


mitsubishi-imiev-electric-cars-estoniaIn its travelling tour all over the world Mitsubishi i-MiEV choose to stop in Estonia.

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has agreed to give as gifts to the Estonian government more than 500 little electric cars as part of an emissions purchase agreement.

 Estonian government expect to save 10,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. As part of their agreement Mitsubishi Corporation will deliver little electric cars by the end of 2011 and what we have found Mitsubishi has also been offering its technical assistance in carbon dioxide measuring.

The first 50 electric cars will be dropped off earlier this week in an official ceremony attended by the prime minister and government officials in city of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

The Estonian government sponsored the works for electric vehicle charging grid, being one of the several institutions trying to popularize electric vehicles all over the world. The Mitsubishi i-MiEV is slated for public use. The private citizens wishing to purchase an Electric Vehicle will receive a government subsidy.



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