Synergy aircraft the US versatile solution for personal flight


synergy-aircraft-fuel-efficientThe aircraft as invention had a greatest impact in connecting people and shortening long distances between them. In terms of improvement remains enough to do and following this idea, a team of US designers developed a better solution for flying their Synergy aircraft.

John McGinnis, the lead designer claim that Synergy aircraft has more room than a standard personal plane being 10 times fuel efficient, 10 times cheaper to be build, quieter and more versatile for travel because it can fly further than existing craft and land at slower speeds at small airfields.

As they explain on their site: “Synergy’s signature shape creates stability and control through induced drag reduction- the glider-like efficiency of a long wingspan packed into a much stronger, compact package,” and “Unlike a box wing design, Synergy’s unique double box tail is stabilizing and creates constructive- rather than destructive- biplane interference. Together with wing and fuselage suction and subsonic area ruling, Synergy exploits numerous aerodynamic and structural advantages to deliver a roomy, practical, and safe high performance aircraft.”

Synergy aircraft can be flown with jet engines but is optimally configured with a multi blade turbo propulsion engine.

After tests the team intends to build a full sized five seat prototype raising funds to achieve $65,000 goal. If you want to support the Synergy team visit their site.


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