Turkey Will Have First Solar Power Station Made by GiraSolar


Solar power has fast emerged as an alternative energy source across the globe and many countries are developing solar power plant to harness sun’s energy.

Latest to join the bandwagon is Turkey as a Turkish firm has started talks with GiraSolar, a U.S.-Dutch solar power company, to build the country’s first and Europe’s biggest photovoltaic power station. GiraSolar is also interested in working together with the Turkish firm to manufacture solar panels for export to Europe.

Chief Executive Officer Wieland M. Koornstra said that GiraSolar will set up the solar power station in the south of Turkey and the plant would generate 100 megawatts of energy. Koornstra further said that solar panels will be manufactured in Turkey itself as GiroSolar is not interested in importing the panels.

The Renewable Energy Law of Turkey says that purchase price for electricity generated from solar power is $0.133 per kilowatt hour. The companies which are working for the generation of renewable energy also get incentives from the Turkish government. The decision to give leverage to these companies clearly shows Ankara’s willingness to use the renewable energy sources, which are none polluting and cheaper, to meet its renewable energy demands.

The largest photovoltaic power station in Europe were Montalto di Castro Photovoltaic Power Station in Italy (84.2 MW), Finsterwalde Solar Park in Germany, (80.7 MW), Rovigo Photovoltaic Power Plant in Italy (70 MW), Olmedilla Photovoltaic Park in Spain (60 MW), Strasskirchen Solar Park (54 MW) and Lieberose Photovoltaic Park in Germany (53 MW) at the end of 2010.


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