New Li-ion battery concept for military armoured vehicles

Li-ion battery

Saft is unveiling Eurosatory 2010 a new concept 28 V Li-ion battery system powers starting and silent watch applications. Saft is also showing its comprehensive range of energy storage solutions for conventional and hybrid military vehicles, as well as weapons systems and field power delivery applications, based on Li-ion, Super-phosphate and asymmetrical nickel capacitor technology.

The new Li-ion battery concept that offers a high performance alternative to conventional lead-acid batteries for armored military vehicles. The 28 V batteries is designed to deliver large reserves of power for reliable engine starting, as well as supporting onboard electrical systems throughout the long periods of autonomous operation demanded by extended silent watch missions.

The use of Saft’s Li-ion technology offers a significant reduction in both the battery weight and onboard footprint, while also ensuring a long, fully-predictable service life.

In addition to batteries for military vehicle, Saft is also showing its complete range of primary and rechargeable lithium batteries for a wide range of military applications – from powering infantry communications and weapons systems to UGVs. As part of its strategy to deliver complete power systems to defense customers Saft has developed specialized military chargers that ensure fast and efficient charging and long service-life.

These include the EcMC2 (Extended Capability Multi Chemistry Charger) range of smart, versatile, multi-capability military battery chargers designed to charge virtually any type of infantry battery both in the field and at the base camp.

Source: Saftbatteries


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