United Kingdom’s Charging Stations for its Electric Vehicles


UK-Charging-Stations-electric-vehiclesA number of 4,700 charging stations expect to be operational in United Kingdom this year, only 704 have been installed.

According to BBC News two-third of cities from United Kingdom with population more than 150,000 does not have any public charging infrastructure yet.

The Transport Department aim to have 9,000 plug-in points installed by 2013, but will be delays because of the local level difficulties in installing power cable needed for charging stations those units may be put in jeopardy.

David Martell, a charging supplier Chargemaster, said the lack of points can be very stressful for drivers and he added that many drivers of electric vehicles suffer by “range anxiety”, the fear of running out of power due to a lack of charging stations.

A target ratio of 1.8 electric vehicles per charging station is ideal and the analysts say that United Kingdom expect to have 8,600 plug-in electric vehicles by the end of 2011. By a simple calculation the United Kingdom will need nearly 4,800 recharging facilities in place, before the start of 2012.

Experts say that by 2020 nearly two million of the cars on Britain’s roads will be electric vehicles.



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