Are cell phones recommended for children use?

Children Mobile Phones

Growing children should stay away from cell phones. At the moment all parents want to keep in touch with their children and they give them cell phones.

For sure they couldn’t have all control to protect by radiations. What kind of warnings could you activate to maintain their health safe?

There some recommendations as for each kind of gadgets to use with measure. To use cell phones only for text messaging would be the better choice. This way the radiation will not get to the brain and is a much safer way to communicate with them. When they need to make phone calls, they would use hands free devices which mean they won’t have to hold cell phones next to their ear.

In addition to the health issues that involve having cell phones you should make sure that your child isn’t spending too much money on the mobile phone and also you should set a limit of money and implicit lowering the limit of time spending on phone calls.

Beside the advice to be aware who your child is talking to, on the phone or through the internet which they can get on it, you have to encourage them to be open and telling you who they are chatting to.

So, if your child is insisting that they want a cell phone, you can rest safely in the knowledge that you should be able to allow them to do this and stay healthy at the same time.



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