New Bell Mobility’s Cellphone Tower on Local Debate


cellphone-tower-bell-mobilityA proposal from Bell Mobility to erect another cellphone tower near Green Lane and Guardsman Road in the Bayview Glen are under the eyes of local councillors and residents’ groups a big issue to wondering about the safety and the location.

“The one on Bayview Avenue went up without any consultation with the community. These towers are monstrosities” said Howard Shore and another councillor.

 He also said that the cellphone tower, currently on the northeast corner of Bayview Avenue near Laureleaf Road, is just under the maximum height limitations, and that Town of Markham staff were previously unaware of Bell Mobility’s plans to erect a new one.

The size of the cellphone tower is regulated by a federal agency, Industry Canada, while Health Canada determines their proximity to residential communities. “We’ve been told by the government that there are no health concerns,” said Toinette Bezant, a spokesperson from the Bayview Glen Residents’ Association. “But the World Health Organization classifies radio frequencies as carcinogenic. They say it’s possible, but unlikely, so it’s still a bit of a grey area.” Bezant named nearby schools and soccer fields as her main concern, and wants Bell Mobility to consult with the community before the new cellphone towers are erected.

Bell Mobility was approached by councillor Shore with an alternative solution, to put a cellphone tower at nearby church, installing antennas above condominiums tower. “The provider claims they need a certain height,” Shore said. “You don’t need the whole rocket ship, you just need the antenna,” he also said. “If there are zero health issues and zero concerns, then why do they resist the alternative?”

 Shore added that after he approached Industry Canada, he was told that “reasonable and relevant concerns exclude health-related issues.”A Bell Mobility spokesperson said they comply with regulations from Industry Canada.

 Would you like to have a cellphone tower on your roof? Seems to be nice until  that antenna isn’t on your roof….



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