A $117 million for Hawaii wind project

Hawaii Wind Power Project

Hawaii Wind ProjectFirst Wind, a developer of wind farm projects from Boston has been awarded with $117 million loan guarantee by the US Department of Energy for Kahuku Wind Project in Hawaii one of its new projects which will create almost 200 jobs in the process, and will have 12 wind turbines installed.

The project is using 2.5Mw-rated Liberty turbines from US manufacturer Clipper Windpower and is currently being built on Oahu’s North Shore. The facility is expected to generate enough power to supply 7,700 homes with electricity – to be sold to the Hawaiian Electric Company.

Along with the Clipper turbines, the project is set to use a 10MW battery storage system provided by Texas firm Xtreme Power, Inc. in order to help smooth the intermittency of power generation when ocean breeze will not blow.

In his statement the Hawaiian Senator Daniel Inouye said: “This project represents what our national energy policy is attempting to accomplish: clean energy displacing imported oil in Hawaii to generate electricity, and in the process reducing our carbon output and creating green jobs”.

“This project is another example of America’s leadership in the global clean energy economy,” said Secretary Chu as he awarded the loan guarantee on Tuesday. “Through the Recovery Act, we are supporting innovative projects that are adding to our workforce in the short term while laying the foundation for additional job creation in the long term.”

Paul Gaynor, CEO of First Wind, said: “The loan guarantee helped us to secure the necessary financing to build this new wind energy project, which will create jobs, generate clean power for the people of Oahu, and help Hawaii gain greater energy independence. We appreciate the DOE’s support for this innovative project.” He also mentioned the fact that the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office had played a “vital role” in the project, which broke ground earlier this month.

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