Sometimes the smallest gadgets that touch the lives of people, improve their living standards and help them develop as a community towards a better future, that are far more valuable than the billion dollar researches that lead to no practical gains.
Bboxx is one such venture that is lighting up lives and homes of people across Africa in a slow but steady fashion. This simple battery box powered by solar power can be used to provide electricity various domestic purposes.
Made up of Laurent Van Houcke and his colleagues, who are also the founders of e.quinox, the battery box can dish out 60Wh of 240/110V 50/60Hz at max 80W electric power and can be charged using either solar power or a conventional socket. While most of Africa is advancing at a fast pace when it comes to using gadgets that are reliant on power from the grid, the infrastructure is still lagging way behind.
It is into such dark corners of this beautiful continent that Bboxx takes electricity to by tapping into the abundant solar power that is on offer in Africa. The project by the creators of the box has already begun in Rwanda, where they have 1500 of these boxes in less than 9 months. The makers of the box next wish is to expand across the continent and even to parts of China, to ensure that more people plug into solar power.
Come to think of it, a portable battery box with solar panels on top is an idea that anyone with a zest for outdoor life could use to maybe hook up their laptop or even mobile for some emergency juice!