Solar powered toothbrush - green gadget

Solar powered toothbrush requires no toothpaste

For now on you can travel without any worries. No matter if you forgot the toothpaste; most important thing is to take your toothbrush...
eco gadget

Your iPhone/iPod touch as a wireless bike computer

Apple’s iPhone and iPod popularity as an explosion of apps available from the iTunes Store was also given by the hardware accessories designed to...
acid mine water - Johannesburg - warnings

Acid Mine water Threatens Johannesburg

Looming Environmental Crisis In Johannesburg, a silent threat is brewing beneath the city's surface, as millions of liters of highly acidic mine water steadily rise....
Eco friendly Led Lamp by Philips

12 Watt EnduraLED Light Bulb By Philips

The 12 watt EnduraLED Light Bulb created by Philips offers many advantages over other lighting techniques in use today. In comparison with incandescent bulbs...
Radiation warnings - cell phones

Radiation Warnings: cell phone may be hazardous for your health

Cellphone radiation and its repercussion on health remains a highly controversial issue with the raging debate on whether or not humans are under the...
Cell phone radiation warnings

Radiation Warnings Straight from Your Cell Phone

An Israeli startup has developed a new iPhone application that lets you see how much radiation you're exposed to from your mobile device. What do...

Funniest Way to Charge You Cell Phone

Nokia has jus unveiled a pretty cool way to charge your cell phone without reliance on current sources or having to stay plugged anymore-...