Ecocapsule – your future off-grid dwelling

Ecocapsule - off-grid

I waited too long time the occurrence of grid-off caravan. I’m surprised it has not appeared sooner. Prolonged dependence of conventional fuels for most of the cars, some interests of big manufacturers or fuel suppliers, prohibitive prices and of course no real autonomy made them to remain only toys for big boys. This case the product is a caravan with off-grid capacities and efficient shape, more than a toy.

A group of Slovak experts –called Nice Architects – gathered by the desire to produce an energy-independent caravan decided to make steps into the reality. Their project is called Ecocapsule. In fact Ecocapsule is a portable house which offers an unmatched dwelling experience. Why? You can live every place on Earth you choose with an immense off-grid life span in the same condition as in a house. Ecocapsule has an energy efficient shape, off-grid capabilities, a compact volume and the luxury of a warm bed, running water and kitchen.

Ecocapsule - off-grid solar power It seems to be small in size. but fits for two adults and its inner space is best used having a plenty of storage. All household facilities are supplied in a long term off-grid conditions. It is about kitchenette running water, flushing toilet, hot shower and other electric appliances.

Ecocapsule - off-grid efficient shapeIt is funny but Ecocapsule is fitted for prolonged stay without a need to recharge or re-supply. It is powered by a built in wind turbine and an array of solar cells connected to high-capacity battery that cover the periods of reduced solar energy or wind activity.

Ecocapsule has a spherical shape optimized for the collection of rainwater and dew, water is collected with help of its water filters. Its body is covered by 2.5 m2 high-energy solar cells and a retractable 750 watt wind turbine attached to the body. Combining these two sources of energy Ecocapsule can have the entire year autonomy in many off-grid locations.

The project team expects to announce the price at the end of 2015 and until the summer of 2016 to sell the first product. Firstly the product will have basic utilities and after a while will ensure customised options.

Ecocapsule can be shipped in a regular container worldwide, can be airlifted, towed or pulled by an animal…

Basic specs: dimension of 2.55×4.45×2.25m/4.5m (HxLxW) with extended pole, weight of about: 1500 kg, power output: 750W from wind energy and 600W from solar energy and a battery capacity of 9744 Wh.


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