EV Charging Station To Be Installed in Connecticut


Control module industriesGovernor M. Jodi Rell yesterday announced that an electric vehicle (EV) charging stations will be installed at the State Capitol Complex at no charge to the state. The Governor said the unit – donated by Northeast Utilities (NU) and Enfield-based Control Modules Industries – is being installed in the parking garage of the Legislative Office Building.  It will be available for public use in recharging electric powered cars.

“Having an electric vehicle charging station on State property underscores Connecticut’s support for greener, cleaner technology,” the Governor said. “We are grateful to NU and Control Modules Industries for helping our state pave the way for greater use of alternative and renewable fuels.

“This is proof positive that we are committed to enhancing our infrastructure and public policy to accommodate electric vehicles,” Governor Rell said. “I assembled my Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Council last year to help establish this very important groundwork and this charging station is another great stride forward – and at no cost to taxpayers.”

The charging station and its installation is worth approximately $7,500.

Established by Executive Order No. 34, the Governor’s Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Council has been tasked with preparing the state for a rapid and seamless integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the market. A final report is due to Governor Rell on September 1 of this year.


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