Hull Green gym to power LED lighting system of the area

Hull Green gym to power LED lighting system of the area

The city of Hull, UK seems to play the role of host for the first outdoor green gym that converts people power into electricity.

With help of The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGO) local authority has installed some devices to make sport movement more compelling.

Electricity generated this way on the cross trainer and exercise bikes powers LED lighting system of the Green Heart gym area.  Each piece of equipment can produce between 50W to 400W of electricity in an average of 100W for non Olympic rowers.

TGO intend to install more than 100 new sites annually for the next five years. Taking into account each green gym serves a community of around 5,000 people the potential is to tap the renewable energy of about 2.5 million people.  They are also trying to identify a place where a green gym could feed electricity into the grid.

The high aim is to have electricity generating components in all gyms but at the moment TGO is focused to have success at the Hull green gym.



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