Kinetic Energy Harvested by the Artificial Plants

kinetic energy harvester

New concept of the artificial plants harvest kinetic energy and store it for later use. They don’t really look like plants but are eco friendly.

It sounds weird, but probably in the nearest  future, those cheesy plastic plants lurking behind you at Denny’s could actually be harvesting renewable energy from the movement of the air. This will the brave new world of indoor kinetic energy harvesting, via Ayden Design’s eye-catching concept design, the TouchPot.

According to Ecofriend, the TouchPot is “an eco-friendly artificial plant pot that harnesses kinetic energy whenever its artificial leaves are moved by hand or by the wind.” These artificial leaves can be rotated and moved in any direction, and they respond to human touch by harnessing the tiny amount of energy generated in the process.

There’s more. Open up a window and let the fresh air in–your TouchPot will harvest the breeze to recharge an on-board li-ion battery. A fully recharged li-ion battery can be used to power a LED light panel integrated within the pot, so it can function as a weird sort of mood lighting after hours. That energy can also be used for more practical purposes, such as charging your portable electronic devices. As a conclusion you should see that every electronic device relies on energy and has his place on scheme. Is possible to gives you something unexpected, a glimpse of desire to try an approach to nature and even the technology is at high demands the power of nature remains the same.



  1. Finally something fresh and new that make sense! I would like to see more about this and that is what I’m going to do.


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