Nations around the world spend money in reducing carbon emissions, in conserving the environment and for many of them their craze is green vehicles.
Automobile companies are launching green vehicles in order to minimize carbon emissions. Steps towards a cleaner environment were made by German Automotive Company AUDI too.
They have planned to use wind energy for next electric vehicles or natural gas vehicles. The estimated annual electricity gain from their North Sea wind power station is up to 53 GWh and this electricity will power the grid to charge their electric vehicles. The current standard for electric vehicles is to have power from clean energy sources.
As a completing of the process, a slice of electricity from renewable energy source will be used to generate hydrogen by electrolysis as an important ingredient for e-gas composition. E-gas is the name of the synthetic form of methane. Audi intend to launch in the beginning of 2013 a CNG version of the A3 powered with e-gas available at 900 CNG stations in Germany. They expect to produce annually 1,000 metric tons of e-gas using carbon dioxide.
The Audi’s project will supply three sources of energy: electricity, methane gas and hydrogen. There are expected that similar steps will be done by other concurrent companies to also create a significant change in the environment by reducing carbon emissions which is today’s first requirement.