Living off the grid could be an option?
I think it’s time to take seriously the option of living off the grid, and to use free renewable energy sources. The higher costs for electricity will start to affect you, and probably not so far but the lack of electricity.
We were drawn into this trap in a few decades, becoming addicted to electricity and appliances, probably we invested lifetime spending in this lifestyle. But now it seems that the threshold is raised unjustifiably high, and it makes our daily life more and more difficult, making us slaves to a way of life that we do not need it and slowly we will not afford it.
Is CO2 the real enemy?
The fight against greenhouse gases is intensified, CO2 – carbon dioxide is now the greatest enemy, but taking look at the air composition, in a glimpse you will encounter an aha moment. Although plants love CO2 carbon dioxide as their main source of life, we humans always need an enemy to polarize the thinking of the masses and justify political decisions.
European Union wants this fight to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) as much as possible, thus justifying the transition to electric transport, which is “not polluting” but still unsustainable in reality, if everyone suddenly switched to this mode.
Germany is shutting down its nuclear power plants, considering it will compensate with solar or wind energy, with certain hydroelectric power plants, when in fact it uses a network of coal-fired power plants to compensate for its instantaneous consumption and especially buys electricity produced by nuclear plants from French neighbors.

The French, on the other hand, are developing their nuclear power plants with more strategic thinking alongside alternative sources that produce more electricity because its geographical advantages (southern sun and diagonal wind above the country). Strategically speaking, some states are thinking about their citizens, the others not, but it is at it is.
However, the price of electricity, is kept high being increased through taxes and excise duties, due to the supply chain of profiteers from producers to us as the final consumer. Practically the state add to the price and the intermediaries too, as much as the state allows them to do so. It is clear that it is a monopoly position, and we are in between, the maneuvers masses, which they try us easily to ideologically convince.
This pressure is indirectly forced towards electric transport by increasing the price of fuel and imposing taxes related to the fact that it is used to produce pollution and CO2 – carbon dioxide became the enemy. In effect the public transport is encouraged and now on train tickets in France eg. you can see how much CO2 – carbon dioxide savings have been made by using this means of public transport.
We still haven’t found out which ones are CO2 limits and what happens if we overtake them, because in the meantime the Amazon forests are being cleared easily and quickly and irreparable in ten years.
What should the end consumer do?
Definitely, everything he has not done so far. Think strategically in the short, medium and long term. In fact living off the grid it should have been an option a long time ago. Now the end electricity consumer has to do this thinking like a retiree who makes savings but also like a strategist, who should do an analysis as much as his personal means of information allow, and move to a higher level, by investing in the use of new technologies trying to get the living off the grid.
First of all, it should immediately minimize energy losses by insulating homes: windows, exterior doors, exterior walls. Then to consider the use of low-energy appliances, lighting with LED technology, a heating system with efficient heat exchange pumps, finding solutions that suit it and that cost it as little as possible on the long-term.
The end electricity consumer have to take a more strategically approach, which mean having access to one’s own resources of electricity, the same final story, living off the grid.
The first of these would be the installation of its own solar panels, in the version with energy storage. I say it so, because in some states even if the electricity supplier is obliged by the state to buy the electricity produced by you, it will do so at a price that will benefit it. Practically, in addition, the state will charge you through income tax for profit which you do (you will practically be lost twice in this complicated business).
If it is suitable, to install a wind electricity source. Here you have to take into account the maintenance costs related to income and benefits.
If you can have your own source of water (drilled) is a great advantage, although you need to see how clean it is and how you can purify it so that it can become drinkable. It is also welcome to think about solar panels for water heating.
It depends on the advantage of your geographical position on the globe, (ie. the number of sunny days per year for example), but also on the technology used, and you could certainly have an autonomy of several months per year in which to have hot water free of cost which amortizes the initial investment, and then you become truly autonomous.
In order to maximize your budget, with your own solar-produced electricity, you will have to make a major change in your consumption using the electricity produced when it is produced, ie during the day, to consume as little as possible from the state electricity grid. The idea is to extend your autonomy as much as possible to your advantage.
Own management is the best you afford
All these steps will make you less comfortable, more concerned with technical matters, having to get involved, learning and understanding what you have to do and how to react when needed.
Basically, by living off the grid you will also have to take care of the maintenance, except during the warranty period, so at the beginning you will be assisted, but you will certainly want to depend on as few intermediaries as possible who will not have time for you and your problems, or when you will have an emergency.
I’ve been reading about various sources of free electricity designed by Tesla or others that use the earth’s electromagnetism. This seems possible, but this information is not yet available to the public. At the time of their discovery, in an attempt to be patented, they did not reach humans, being simply hoarded for other purposes or just to be hidden.
Thus, if access to this type of free electricity source has not happened in the few decades since it has been known about electricity, it will be even less so in the near or medium future, taking into account the current growth trend the global market price of this product.
Interestingly, the average person does not see noticeable changes in electricity production, but suddenly it is more expensive. This happened probably due to the growing demand on the market, more and more appliances are used compared to the not too distant past.
However paradoxically there is a pressure (surcharge) on fossil fuels to create a crisis (tax money but invariably go to state) and to force the transition to electric cars for example, but there are no alternative variants of electricity production and obviously the system will thigh if suddenly we switch to the suggested option.
We are collapsing when it is raining or snowing too much, or when it is very cold or very stormy. That is why it is all the more necessary to ensure our autonomy as much as possible, in order not to feel so acutely these policies that through their recklessness are made on our backs.
Until communities will be created and working to exchange technical information, concrete for the common good, regarding derived, alternative, genuine energy sources, it remains for each to manage on their own.
However, it would be advisable for the exchange of advice, the alternative options to take place, in smaller communities and then it would become virtually inevitable that the good of small levels to become a good for all, at least for those who live in spaces that allow them a minimum autonomy.