Melbourne future modern tram


Melbourne’s tram is as famous as Sydney’s Opera House. Like other trams in many place of the world such as Vienna, Budapest or Amsterdam, Melbourne has a huge size of the fleet trams.

Some of this original W Class model although got passed out in 70’s are still functional and are very present in museums all across the world.

The new modern interpretation of the classic W Class tram from Melbourne, called Melba Tram, has been designed by Cobalt Niche to be relevant and unique. This is an important project of Cobalt Niche and it aims to make sure that government, industry and the public get engaged into the idea of the next generation tram in Melbourne.

The project was also designed to explore cultural ideas, logistic and technology within a concept of design.

This new model is being designed to embrace all the latest and modern technologies, comfort and safety just like the original. It will also include modern public facility like low floor for disabled, higher visibility for the pedestrian safety and lower power LED lightening. The first prototype will be finished in three weeks. It will be painted green and silver with three side lights, a front round lamp and a route number plaque.



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