Mercedes Benz Designed a Hybrid Vehicle as Popemobile


Popemobile-hybrid-vehicle-Mercedes-BenzMercedes has been manufacturing special vehicles for the popes since 80s with special features like high rise reinforced glass.

Due to environmental concerns since last December Vatican City State suggest to Pope to use an electric Popemobile.

Mercedes-Benz has designed and made a hybrid vehicle, a special Popemobile modelled on M Class Mercedes. The hybrid vehicle has a lithium-ion battery with a capacity to drive 16 miles (30 km) without any emission. The Popemobile hybrid vehicle for safety considerations in moments of emergency when will rely on its regular engine.

Mercedes-Benz keeps secret other details about car but suggested that new green Popemobile should be ready by the time of Pope’s visit in Germany, September this year.

Pope Benedict XVI has made considerable efforts to transform Vatican City into a more eco friendly and green state because he strongly promote the idea of protecting God’s environment for the generations to come.

Therefore, the new Popemobile as hybrid vehicle is the Pope’s example and also the battle flag in the crusade for environmental protection.



  1. Slow, heavy and aerodynamically-challenged electric vehicle….
    The first thing that comes to my mind are the fork-lifts and material handlers that roll around in our warehouse all day long and are recharged at night.


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