A biofuel plant designed to produce sustainable cooking fuels was opened in Dondo, Mozambique as the world’s first. The biofuel plant called CleanStar Mozambique (CSM) is a cornerstone of a multi tiered venture which will buy cassava from local farmers and refine it into ethanol. Then the ethanol will be distributed as cooking fuel in Maputo, the Mozambique’s poor capital.
The new market for cassava is expected to boost the incomes of all 1,500 local farmers offering a supply of clean cooking fuel that can be used as an alternative to charcoal. There are also high hopes that biofuel plant will be running at its top capacity and that 120,000 households will own the cassava powered cooking fuel within three years.
Project leaders also try to keep the balance food vs. fuel issue and to maintain the soil fertile farmers will harvest other edible crops.