Portable fuel cell to charge smartphones


An AUS Company announced the possibility that its portable, pocket size fuel cell can charge a smartphone a dozen times before refill with butane gas.

Lilliputian Systems, based in Massachusetts, will sell its portable USB power source under Brookstone’s brand.The fuel cell is about the size of a thick smartphone while the lighter fluid-filled refill cartridges are about the same size as a cigarette lighter, CNET.com reported Tuesday.

Lilliputian Systems is the first company to deposit a solid oxide fuel cell membrane onto a silicon wafer said the vice president of company Mouli Ramani.

Lilliputian expects the idea of portable power will be attractive to travellers, college students and even teenagers who spend a lot of time with mobile devices. The fuel cell will be able to fully charge an iPhone 4 between 10 and 14 times with one cartridge, Ramani said, which could mean two weeks of use for an average user.



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