Powering the Electric Vehicle with Radio Frequency Solution


Electric-Vehicle-Radio-Frequency-Powering-SolutionDifferent schemes have been considered to try the idea of wireless power transmission. Until now there were other trying such as magnetic induction, microwaves and lasers.

The last challenge of Japanese researchers is to use a radio frequency signal to transmit power. Masahiro Hanazawa from Toyota Central R&D Labs and Takashi Ohira art Toyohashi University of Technology propose a system with tracks embedded in road to generate a radio frequency signal stronger enough to move an electric vehicle after some transformations.

In fact the electric vehicle receive the radio frequency signal and an onboard system convert it back to electricity. The radio frequency power system is in tests at a low power until will become an alternative.

Using this alternative power source any electric vehicle will not have worries to store much power in its batteries. The necessary power for short distances would be provided by smaller batteries and the electric vehicle could recharge its battery on the fly when moved on the highways.

Some auto makers including Ford and Toyota are working on inductive systems. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory finished to tests a system capable of 90 percent efficiency using magnetic inductive charging below the roadway.

Having these alternative solutions for powering any electric vehicle depends on the each auto maker’s decision to put on market the best choice.



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