Cellphone radiation and its repercussion on health remains a highly controversial issue with the raging debate on whether or not humans are under the risk every time you hold the cellphone to your head.
You could get a tumor calling your friend. Well now San Francisco municipality decided you need to know how much radiation you are sticking to your ear and creating a new law requiring retailers to show the radiation warnings levels of cellphones they’re stocking.
In an article on Engadget they show a comparison of which cellphone the best from this point of view, rated with low radiation and which ones with high level radiation. For example the best cellphone with low level of radiation is Samsung Impression [AT&T] and most worst is Motorola MOTO VU204.
Would you like to get a safer earpiece and you think that switching to a Bluetooth might fix that, better think again. Bluetooth headsets also have a radiation rating, although it is considerably less. The best way to save your brain from tumors is using the corded headset.
What about iPhone? It was rated at 0.24 – 1.03 Watts per kg. The 3G S is at 0.52 – 1.19 W/kg. The Droid is 1.19 W/kg. In comparison, the lowest was 0.22 – 0.55 W/kg while the highest was 1.28 – 1.58 W/kg.
Therefore, the iPhone is one of the worst 25% of phones in the category. No mention what the 2G version, let alone the iPhone 4.
As for labels – we have enough of them. Nutritional values on food, Surgeon General Warnings on cigarettes and they might as well put radiation warnings on TV’s, routers, laptops or any electronic device.