Solar energy captured by a sun catcher sculpture in Florida


Solar-energy-sun-catcher-sculpture-FloridaAn innovative way to illuminate a street using solar energy with a solar catcher sculpture is working yet in Florida.

The artist Dee Dee Morison have designed and installed a solar powered sun catcher sculpture atClearwaterinFlorida,USA. During the day it harvest solar energy with its solar panels mounted at the top and can produce light for the street when the dark comes.

The edifice was set up as a part of Clearwater,Florida’s Sculpture360 art program. The whole sun catcher is a 15- foot tall, is made of recycled aluminum and yellow Lucite panels. To benefit a better sunlight exposure and to provide light in nearby areas the structure was situated in the middle of the street.

TheFlorida’s Sculpture360 art program was conducted byClearwater’s Public Art and Design Program in association with the Downtown Development Board. Many enthusiasts already visited Clearwater to enjoy the solar energy harvesting sculpture.

The idea behind sun catcher is quite illuminating and this edifice is a good example for the world’s energetic effort to set up the culture of solar power and sustainable energy.

Now other cities and townships can also build similar structures to harvest solar energy during the day and to produce for free light in the dark. Not a big deal and probably a little bit kitschy seems to be a teaching school object in a technical museum. How do you like it?



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