Solar Power Plant Commenced by Scatec Solar in Iron County


utah-scatec-solar-power-projectScatec Solar, a Norwegian company plans to set up a solar power plant in Iron County which would be the largest of such projects in the state of Utah.

Placed across the site stretching on 650 acres in north-western of Parovan the investment is expected to be around 500 million dollars wherein solar power photovoltaic panels.

Scatec Solar is planning to commence solar power plant construction towards the end of this year and is hoping to put other perspectives in place such as various building permits and sale agreements. It is anticipated that the solar power project would be completed in two phases and upon completion, the solar electricity generated from the plant (approximately 100 megawatts) would light 80,000 homes.

Furthermore, Scatec would be promoting solar power partnership with the contractors and workers that are keen to collaborate with them in their ‘green’ business.



  1. In the USA, besides Utah, several states try to set up plans like that in order to generate energy for plenty of their citizens. Good thing to create partnership with businesses. Solar power revolution is on its way !


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