Solar Stand an Eco Gadget Running on Solar Power

Eco Gadget -Solar Power

The eco gadgets are part of our life and a simple source of happiness for men.

The device called Solar Stand was conceived by Wei-Chih Hsu, a Taiwanese industrial designer. It is basically a portable stand for Smartphones and Tablets which incorporate two solar panels along with a lithium-ion battery pack. This device acts as a fully operational solar powered charger for other electronic gadgets.

Once its position is fixed, the Solar Stand can juice up that mentioned devices with its green solar power. The generated electricity can be stored in the lithium-ion battery and a phone can also be charged directly with a micro-USB cable. The power generated depends on the position of panels. The shorter panel could be used to charge smaller devices as smartphones.

The charging oriented mechanism of the Solar Stand has surfaces for the solar panels embedded with tough rubber sheets with higher frictional quality. This will help the gadgets to be kept in support more easily without any fear of them sliding off the surface. With such a stable position the devices could be charged anywhere by off-grid, renewable solar power.


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