Ultra-Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Not Earlier Than 2012


ultra-fast-charging-stations-for-electric-vehiclesTalking about five minutes stop after 200 miles of driving it seems to take into account a gas powered car.

In fact developing of ultra-fast charging stations for Electric Vehicles give you the advantage of green with no sacrifice.

Kanno Tomio and his team from Tochigi, Japan have patented and demonstrated last week a new ultra-fast charging system for fully charge a Nissan Leaf’s battery pack in under 300 seconds. To have such a huge amount of electricity required to charge the Leaf so quickly, the team made use of capacitors.

Tomi’s ultra-fast charging stations for electric vehicles can also be “set” to collect their reserves of power during off-peak times, and can be fuelled themselves by Japan’s existing energy infrastructure without the need for special connections to be installed.

The team expects to begin the installing and use of ultra-fast charging stations in homes and business not earlier than 2012. They do plan to offer them to North American and European markets shortly thereafter probably this way the number of electric vehicles will be increased.



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