converting the energy of waste heat occurring in integrated circuits

Converting the energy of waste heat occurring in integrated circuits

The heat which occurs in tiny computer processors might soon be no longer useless or even a problem. On the contrary: It could be...
Nanosensors can translate plants signals

Nanosensors which translate plants signals

MIT engineers have found a way to monitor plants, to observe their response to different types of stimuli, from swearing, insect bites, or infections,...
Snow TENG- device that creates electricity from snowing

Green energy from snowfall produced by Snow-TENG

A team of researcher and colleagues from the University of California – UCLA conducted by senior author Richard Kaner, have designed a brand new...
Self Assembling Nanocubes

Self-Assembling Nanocubes

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering have developed a technique that enables metallic nanocrystals to self-assemble into larger,...

Logic gates built from bacteria and DNA

Steps toward biological computing are completed by creation of logic gates from gut bacteria and DNA. "Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks in silicon...

The trees as raw material for elastic high-capacity battery

I never thought that is possible to make elastic high-capacity battery from wood pulp. Now it is obviously.  A very good team of researchers...
Harnessing Hotspots

Harnessing Hotspots

Electronic devices often develop ‘hot spots’ that can become detrimental to performance. Much research has focused on developing methods to cool the system, or,...
Nanoscale cleaning using graphene

Cleaning objects at nanoscale

When I thought I saw all in the field of cleaning, I found out that a team of German scientists at FAU - Friedrich-Alexander...
Solar cell using carbon nanotubes turns windows into generators

Solar cell using carbon nanotubes turns windows into generators

Imagine a world where the windows of high-rise office buildings are powerful energy producers, offering its inhabitants much more than some fresh air, light...
Terahertz Invisibility Cloak Unveiled at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2011

Terahertz Invisibility Cloak Unveiled at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2011

Humans generally recognize objects through two features: their shape and color. To render an object invisible, one must be able to manipulate light so...