Volta solar charger sun energy

Volta solar charger suitable for outdoor adventurer

Volta Solar Charger is a useful tool designed to accompany the outdoor adventurers. This is another kind of lifestyle when loose the luxury and choose...
Portable power systems based on hydrogen

Portable power systems based on hydrogen

Developments by hydrogen researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) are paving the way for the successful development...
Eco friendly Led Lamp by Philips

12 Watt EnduraLED Light Bulb By Philips

The 12 watt EnduraLED Light Bulb created by Philips offers many advantages over other lighting techniques in use today. In comparison with incandescent bulbs...
Developing a high-performance low-cost green LEDs, the key to white LEDs

Developing a high-performance low-cost green LEDs, the key to white LEDs

First discovered in the 1920s, LEDs – light-emitting diodes – are semiconductors that convert electricity into light. When switched on, swarms of electrons pass through...

iTapemeasure a gadget to take measurements with help of your iPhone

The iTapemeasure is a gadget combination app and case with an attached digital tape measure to your iPhone always in your hand for sure...

Genius DX-Eco a new green gadget mouse

Genius has a new product, a green gadget one, that some of us who like to have nice mouse with no wires will appreciate. This...
Cell Phones Would Have Solar Powered Sources

Cell Phones Would Have Solar Powered Sources

Probably isn't a good idea to leave a smart cell phone under the sunlight but is different when about a solar powered one is. Wysips,...
Technology - infrared - brain activity

Hairbrush Which Shows the Level of Brain Activity

Technology already exists to track of your mental activity. It's called functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS technology), which images blood flowing through the brain...

PowerMod: the solar power converter into energy sources

PowerMod - energy source just in case for disaster situations Any time after a disaster, besides others issues, people have to face with the lack of...

Watertube an eco gadget to provide drinking water in remote areas

More than 75 percent of the Earth surface is covered by water and probably only 2.5 percent of it is fresh water. Only 0.3 percents...