Are we Aware of Proposal to Install Industrial Wind Turbine Too Close of Residential Area?

Are we Aware of Proposal to Install Industrial Wind Turbine Too Close of Residential...

A doctor writes in Northfield, Minnesota’s newspaper to actually warn residents to “be aware” of a proposal to install two industrial wind turbines. In his column, Dr....
Warnings for parents about children TV exposure

Warnings for Parents About Excessive TV Exposure of Children

Sitting at a desk with a computer for most of the day, you are probably posturing your body to a forward position in space,...
cellphone-radiation - health hazards

How Much Cellphone Radiation You’re Getting

About 4 billion people worldwide use cellphones. Researchers have been debating for years on whether cellphones radiation leads to health hazards such as cancer and...
quantum computing

Purdue gets $1.5 million for quantum information center

Purdue University has been awarded $1.5 million to study quantum information science, a new field paving the way for quantum computing - a novel...
mercedes benz biome concept car

Biome Concept of Mercedes Benz ahead of LA Design Challenge

We already had heard of the Biome concept-Mercedes Benz’s entry into this year’s Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge. However, now the brand has unveiled...
Cellphone the risk for disease

Cellphones Can Cause Future Brain Tumors

New research aiming to incorporate the best data from previous studies indicates that cellphones really do increase the risk of brain cancer. Independent studies follow-up...
Smart hybrid material

Smart hybrid material to generate energy from sun, wind, wave and movement

Imagine a world where all those gadgets that seem to constantly need recharging – from your mobile phone to your laptop to your mp3...
Wi-Fi Risk of cancer

Wireless Internet Networks Could Expose Children To the Risk of Cancer

HEALTH authorities have called for an inquiry into the use of wireless Internet networks in schools because of concerns they could be exposing children...
kinetic energy harvester

Kinetic Energy Harvested by the Artificial Plants

New concept of the artificial plants harvest kinetic energy and store it for later use. They don't really look like plants but are eco...
cellphone radiation debate

Cellphone Radiations Debating

About 4 billion people worldwide use cellphones. Researchers have been debating for years on whether the radiation from cellphone use leads to health hazards...