Human Exposure To Radio Frequency Fields

Human Exposure To Radio Frequency Fields

Primary antennas for transmitting wireless telephone service, including cellular and Personal Communications Service (PCS), are usually located outdoors on towers and other elevated structures...

Human Body Exposure to Radio Frequency

Health protection standards for radio frequency were established in each country and are based on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) which indicates the total...
Radio Frequency Exposure Measurements As Challenge For Site Surveillers

Radio Frequency Exposure Measurements As Challenge For Site Surveillers

Measurement of the emissions from a cell tower presents particular technical challenges beyond those encountered for broadcast antenna sites. To understand these challenges, a...

Wi-Fi to be removed from schools in Canada for the children health safe

Seems that happens, parents took position about using of Wi-Fi in classrooms being aware about how negative the radiofrequency is influencing the health of...
cellphone -health hazard for youth

Cellphones a Health Hazard for Youth

People of today world are driven by technology and the youth is at the helm of this technology revolution. Nowadays generations relies on technology as...

Are Radio Waves Generated by Cell Phone Harmful for Children?

There are currently around 50 million cell phones being used in the UK and they continue to increase in popularity, as new features become...
cellphone radiation debate

Cellphone Radiations Debating

About 4 billion people worldwide use cellphones. Researchers have been debating for years on whether the radiation from cellphone use leads to health hazards...
Are we Aware of Proposal to Install Industrial Wind Turbine Too Close of Residential Area?

Are we Aware of Proposal to Install Industrial Wind Turbine Too Close of Residential...

A doctor writes in Northfield, Minnesota’s newspaper to actually warn residents to “be aware” of a proposal to install two industrial wind turbines. In his column, Dr....
Radiation warnings - cell phones

Radiation Warnings: cell phone may be hazardous for your health

Cellphone radiation and its repercussion on health remains a highly controversial issue with the raging debate on whether or not humans are under the...
India-will-lower the-electromagnetic-field-radiation-limit-cellphone-towers

India will lower tenth times the electromagnetic field radiation limits from this September

According to an article from EmfNews, by first of September this year India will lower to one tenth the level of emitted radiation by...